Friday, April 20, 2007

Algumas fotos de Curitiba


Estes são a minha fotos de Janeiro 2006 do Curitiba. Eu foi em Curitiba apenas 2 dias e as fotos do thread cobrem somente um pouco de cidade. Desculpe, mas os comentarios são em Inglês porque eu não falo Português bem. As fotos estão no Cityscape & Skyline pictures forum também.

I visited Curitiba and January and I am presenting some photos I took during my very brief stay there. This city of 1,760,000 inhabitants is my favorite of the cities I visited in Brazil. It was founded in 1694, and is the capital of the state of Paraná in southern Brazil. I am only covering a small part of Curitiba in this thread (mainly the city-center). There are many other areas in the city to explore.

Curitiba around 6:00 am in the morning:

Building with a road going through it:

Portuguese Heritage:

Curitiba is a very green city. It has a lot of small and large parks, this is Praça Carlos Gomes:

More old buildings:

And some talls in the CBD:

Rua 24 Horas (24 Hours Street) is basically a pedestrian street transformed into a nice shopping center. Despite its name, I found most establishments to be closed at 7am:

More green: Praça Osório

CuritibaÂ's main street is Rua das Flores (Flowers Street): a pedestrian avenue (since 1972) lined with shops, restaurants, as well as banks and other offices.

The cathedral of Curitiba:

A façotomy:

Largo da Ordem is the oldest part of the city center, and seems to be CuritibaÂ's de facto historic district:

Romario Martins House: according to the marker itÂ's the only example of colonial architecture left in the city

This house used to be inhabited by a rich merchant family of German origins:

More churches:

Found this great building with an exhibition on urban planning in Curitiba:

A model of the city from different angles:

Wacky planning

Old and new, red-tile roofs of Largo Ordem in the forefront and skyscrapers of the modern CBD in the background:

Looking towards another cluster:

More photos of the city center:

The former city-hall now sits empty but is being renovated:

IÂ've no idea what these graffiti say:

The former train-station, now a shopping mall:

No thread on Curitiba should fail to mention the cityÂ's world-renowned bus-system featuring its unique bus-stops:

Some bus-lines have their own lanes, and effectively function like light-rail:

The Federal University of Paraná:

The shopping Center Muller (I was told it was formerly an army facility):

An avenues near the Muller:

The Passeio Público:

The Islamic Center: I went inside and it contained a library with few books and some computers.

The Jardim Botanico (Botanical Gardens):

Looking at the cityÂ's talls:

The Italian neighborhood of Santa Felicidade. Many Italians migrated to Brazil, especially from northern Italy, and the neighborhood still has some :

The church is built in Veneto style: with the bell tower detached from the main building

I ate very well here :

Walking towards the city one encounters quite a bit of plastic architecture though:

A neat fountain of (fake) wine :

Looking towards the city one last time:

That was it: I wish I could have stayed in Curitiba longer and have seen attractions such as the Museu Niemeyer, the Bosque Alemão, the panoramic tower, and a ton of other places that are not covered by this thread. Still, I hope you enjoyed it!

Tchau ! >